KIT65043P-2 Front Caliper Rebuild Kit for F450/F550
Complete brake caliper rebuild kit with upgraded high temp silicone dust boots for 1999-2004 Ford F450 and F550 (front or rear) using calipers with 60mm pistons with caliper casting number 142289 or 130307
Phenolic pistons degrade over time resulting in sticking/dragging calipers and possibly leaks and should ALWAYS be replaced when servicing the calipers.
Each kit contains EVERYTHING to perform a complete job and properly restore your calipers to original performance. One kit services 2 calipers. Front and rear calipers are the same. Order one kit per axle.
4 high temp silicone dust boots
4 piston seals
4 new OEM phenolic pistons
4 slide bushings
4 slide sleeves
4 slide bolts
2 bleed screws
2 bleed caps
2 banjo bolts
4 copper crush washers
Slide grease
Caliper assembly lube